domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

Final written reflection

There are a lot of points in favor to consider in this English course. What I like the most of this course is the oportunity I had to practice English 4 times a week. I understand better when the profesor teached us with daily life examples any kind of meaning or English structure. Undubetely the attitude of the profesor was really good, beacuse she invitad students to participate evethough few of them were inquisitive in this aspect of the course.

This English course help me to discover what were some of the problems that I used to have. In personal perspective I need to improve in my English pronunciation and the knowledge of differnt words. What I didn´t liked of the class was few people where inquisitive, maybe it will be better to make more group activities to integrate the group and being more acurate in English speaking or writting activities.

I belive that I had improved my English knowledge but I also know that I need to practice even more each day to obtain more acurrancy. The main plan of action I will take is practicing daily, weekly and monthly. I will all days read news in English to improve my English vocabulary and knowledge. Also chating with my friends or even talking to them in Englsih will make me improve my speaking. Finaly I will try to write stories or a journal to practice my fluency in writing once a week. 

Speaking (report)

Activity #2
Video #2

Report #2

For this second activity I felt completely secure of myself. I practiced alot of times in the mirror by imporovising the posible ways I can made my presentation. One posible error I found in the presentation was the time that I spent talking, beacuse it was to long.

I tried to use profesional vocabulary, some stadistics and by the same time being conrete with the given information. I need to practice my pronunciation by reading more things in aloud voice.

After analisysing and making the adecuate research I was ready to present. Something that helped me to reduce being concrete with the ideas I was triyng to transmit to the public was practicing infront a mirror. I need to practice to talk more in public to redue the nerves of being infront of a public. 

Speaking (Self-pressentation)

Activity #1

Video #1

Report #1

For this self-presentation I really felt comfortable. At the begining I have to recognize that I was kind of nervous but as the presentation was going I felt free to speak out. I tried to include the vocabulary seen in class, being coherent and accomplish with the time required.

I obiously get points in favor and against, but by being the first time… I think I did it well. Some of the mistakes I made were confusing the meaning of the words and the pronunciation of them. One word meaning I confused was current(being in progress) with actual(existing). Some other prounciations mistakes need to be corrected by practice.

What helps then to imporve my pronunciation was practicing by reading aloud any kind of news, reports, or books in English. 

Writing 2 (report)

Activity #2

Reflection # 2

After practicing lots of diferent reports I decide to deliver the one above in order to be graded. The grade obtained in the report let me understood that undubtely I had improved. I honestly felt confortable deliveryng the report but something that wasn´t considered at the evaluation of this was the time spent in making the report.

I realized myself that I needed to imporve in the fluency of ideas, witout taking out of consideration the respective structure of the report. The main problem I had in making the report was the time I spent in making it, which was aproximately of 45 to 60 min. This time considered looking for words in the net that best fit the report, the proces of writing the report and reviewing the report some several times.

What I needed to do was practicing even more to reduce the time spent in making the reports, so that was that I made. In order to reduce the time spent in making the report I practiced making lots of them for continue improving my writing English domain. 

Writing 1 (short e-mail)

Activity #1

Reflection #1

I needed to obtain more fluency in writing. I observe some several grammar inconsistencies. Not every part of this first writing activity was a completely mess, for exmaple writing the correct structure and reaching the objective of the response are two good points in favor to consider.

The structure of the mail was really good. I belive I didn´t have any trouble with that. By other hand the porpuse of the e-mail eventhoug it was succesfully reached it doesn´t offered any complexity. The porpuse of the report was reached only by making questions of the needs. 

I understood that I needed to structure my ideas in a correct way in order to improve my English writing. So I decided to practice more and more mail writings in order to improve my English fluency. 

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

My Profile

Hi everybody! my name is Marco I was named after my uncle and my father, my uncle names is Marco and my father name is Antonio. I really like my first and second names. Actually everybody knows me as Marco or Marck. My cousins some times used to call me by a really amusing nickname they gived to me "el gandallin" but now a days people just know me as Marco. As I was born in Mexicoand as a proud mexican I have two surnames Huerta wich comes from my father and Pallares which comes from my mother.

 Making sports is something that really captures my attention. Since I was a children I used to jump, run, shout, climb and make any kind of fisical activities that occupies all my energies. I think I was a dificult to control kid. I am 22 (twenty two) years old and I absolutelly had a transformation on my behaviour. I am more a serious young men, who has an inside small kid that espontaniously makes crazy stuff. I really enjoy to make sports, swimming and playing basketboll are two of my favorites activities.

At first I wanted to study  engineering because I was kind of good with numbers, but by studying by my own I discovered it was not the bachelor I was looking for. Then I knew a profesor that teached us economy. Soon by making a deep research I decided to study international bussines.

I am studyng the bachelor of international bussiness, and I am in my 7 semester. I will obtain my bachelor degree in a year and a half. Something I keep on doing is being openminded, sometimes it is difficult for me to be so, but I have as a rule to be each day more openminded than the previous one, by making different kind of activities, some of ones I had never knew before on my life.

One of my goals as an international bussines student is to understand the energetic sector, and work to an international firm that does so. It is interesting to understand all those different behaviours that countries have when petrolium is involved on international affairs and even more when this limited natural resource is going more and more difficult to obtain.